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Smoking Cessation

Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep

Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Specialists located in St. Petersburg, FL

More than half of the smokers in the United States say they have tried to quit on their own without success. To help you quit smoking for good, pulmonary specialists Himanshu Chandarana, MD, and Ashok Tyagi, DO, CPE, offer customized smoking cessation programs at Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep. The team works closely with you on a program that helps reduce your cravings for nicotine, so you can finally quit smoking forever. To schedule a smoking consultation, call the office in St. Petersburg, Florida, today or book an appointment online.

Smoking Cessation Q&A

What is smoking cessation?

Smoking cessation is a program to help you quit smoking for good. The team at Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep offers comprehensive smoking cessation services to help you quit when you can’t stop smoking on your own.

The team monitors your road to quitting smoking and provides you with a variety of resources that support your long-lasting success.

Why should I consider smoking cessation?

Smoking and tobacco use can quickly lead to a dependence that’s difficult to quit. Being a smoker also increases your risk for a variety of chronic health complications, including lung disease.

Because the addictive qualities of nicotine, a substance in tobacco, can be difficult to quit without help, you may benefit from the medically supervised smoking cessation program available at Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep.

You may consider a smoking cessation program if you want to quit smoking but aren’t sure how to start. You should also schedule a consultation with the team if you try quitting on your own but end up smoking again.

Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep offers customized cessation programs to support you on your journey to better health and life without tobacco.

What’s involved in a smoking cessation program?

There are several tools that the Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep team uses to help you quit smoking for good. They provide detailed information about the risks of smoking and ongoing counseling to help you address cravings, withdrawal effects, and other difficulties you may encounter when quitting.

To help you control cravings for nicotine, the team may recommend oral medications. They may also suggest patches that deliver small amounts of nicotine into your body through your skin.

The team offers ongoing, compassionate support on your smoking cessation journey, so you can access the resources you need to resist smoking again.

If you’re a long-time smoker, you may benefit from preventive screenings that can identify early signs of smoking-related lung disease like emphysema and lung cancer. The team may recommend exercises you can do to strengthen your lung health after you quit smoking.

If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, call Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep today to schedule a smoking cessation consultation today or book an appointment online.